@extends($theme.'.layouts.admin') @section('content')

{{ $product->name_en }}

@endif @if(!empty($product->image3))
@endif @if(!empty($product->image4))
{{ $product->discount_label }}
@endif @if(!empty($product->image3))
@endif @if(!empty($product->image4))
@endif @if(!empty($product->image3))
@endif @if(!empty($product->image4))
{{-- --}}

{{ $currency_code }} {{ number_format($product->discounted_price,2) }} @if($product->price != $product->discounted_price) {{ $currency_code }} {{ number_format($product->price,2) }} @endif

@if(count($product->group_variants) > 1) @else

{!! $product->product_color .'-'.$product->product_size !!}


{!! strip_tags($product->description_en) !!}


If you are a small business and you are interested in small rebranding then this is a perfect plan for you, having Five years experience in Blogging, photographing, Disgning and love to cycling,Writting,Singing and Traveling around the world

If you are a small business and you are interested in small rebranding then this is a perfect plan for you, having Five years experience in Blogging, photographing, Disgning and love to cycling,Writting,Singing and Traveling around the world

# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

{{$rating_count}} reviews

@foreach($product->rating as $rating)
    @for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) @if($i<=$rating->rating)
  • @else
  • @endif @endfor

{{$rating->user_name}} - {{$date}}


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