Order Invoice

{{ $order->vendor_address }}
GSTIN NUMBER : {{ $order->gstin_number }}
Phone : {{ $order->vendor_phone }}
Invoice Number : Inv-{{ $order->order_id }}
Invoice Date : {{ date("F jS, Y", time()) }}
GSTIN Number : {{ $order->gstin_number }}
Order Number : {{ $order->order_id }}
Order Date : {{ date("F jS, Y", strtotime($order->order_date)) }}
Mode of Payment : {{ $order->payment_mode_name }}
Dealer / Buyer Details Business / Consignee Details

{{ $order->customer_address_contact_person }}

Address :
{!! $order->full_address !!}
Phone : {{ $order->customer_address_mobile_number }} @if(!empty($order->customer_email)) | Email : {{ $order->customer_email }}@endif
Student Class : {{ $order->class_name }}
Address :

{{ $order->vendor_address }}
GSTIN NUMBER : {{ $order->gstin_number }}
Phone : {{ $order->vendor_phone }}
@php $i=1; @endphp @foreach($order->order_products as $key => $items) @foreach($items as $key2 => $item) @php $i++; @endphp @endforeach @endforeach @php $subtotal = number_format($order->products_subtotal, 2); $delivery_charge = number_format($order->delivery_charge, 2); $gst_amount = str_replace( ',', '',$order->gst_amount); $gst_percent = str_replace( ',', '',$order->gst_percent); $gst_amount = number_format($gst_amount, 2); $gst_percent = number_format($gst_percent, 2); @endphp @if($subtotal != '0.00') @endif @if($delivery_charge != '0.00') @endif @if($gst_amount != '0.00') @endif @if(!empty($order->discount_amount) && $order->discount_amount != '0.00') @endif @if(!empty($order->promo_code)) @endif
S.No Description School Name Size Unit Price HSN Code Quantity Total
{{ $i }} {{ $item->name_en }} {{ $item->school_name }} {{ $item->product_size }} {{ $item->price }} {{ $item->hsn_code == '' ? '-': $item->hsn_code }} {{ $item->quantity }} {{ $item->subtotal }}
Subtotal {{ $subtotal }}
Delivery Charges {{ $delivery_charge }}
GST {{ $gst_amount }}
Discount {{ $order->discount_amount }}
Promocode ( {{$order->promo_code}} %) {{ $order->promo_code_discount }}
Grant Total {{ number_format($order->grand_total, 2) }}

We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods described and that all particulars are true and correct.

Bank Name: None
A/C No: None
Branch: None
IFSC Code: None